Vitamin C And Fat Burning

Vitamin C And Fat Burning

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

The Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most widely recognized and used antioxidants in the world.   This antioxidant plays a critical role in helping the immune system, joints and arteries heal and function properly.  Liposomal vitamin C is a technological breakthrough in nutrient assimilation and offers incredible health benefits.

Much of our physiology is based on the movement of electrons from one compound to another.  Unstable molecules that are missing an electron are called free radicals and they are catabolic to the body.  These free radicals are formed in a cycle called oxidative stress that creates damage and instability in cells, tissues and organs in the body.  Vitamin C is an antioxidant that acts to donate an electron to neutralize free radicals and restore peace and harmony to the body.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

The Health Benefits of Vitamin C:

Vitamin C plays an important role in the health and function of the immune cells.  White blood cells depend upon vitamin C in order to survive and withstand the attack of pathogens and free radicals.  Vitamin C also plays an important role as an anti-histamine and reduces inflammatory conditions associated with colds, fevers, flu's and allergies (1, 2, 3).

Vitamin C also plays an important role in the production of collagen which is the major constituent in ligaments, bones, discs, tendons and skin (4, 5).  High dose vitamin C has been shown to improve the healing process of burns, cuts, wounds, sprains/strains and broken bones (6, 7, 8).  It is also extremely important for the health of the eyes and many experts believe that as little as 1,000 mg of liposomal vitamin C daily may stop cataracts all together.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C and Cancer:

Environmental toxins damage cells and intracellular organelles leading to altered cellular metabolism and genetic mutations.  Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties that protect against the oxidative stress against the cell.   High doses of vitamin C are even more important when large cancerous growths already exist within the body.  Oral vitamin C does not directly attack cancer but it helps to keep the immune system strong and empowers it to destroy the cancer (9).

IV dosage of vitamin C acts as a prooxidant that forms hydrogen peroxide and acts as a chemotherapy type of agent that destroys cancer cell formation.  Liposomal vitamin C acts to prevent the oxidative stress that alters intracellular organelles and genetic mutations.

It also acts to prevent the chronic inflammation that allows mutant cells to develop into fast growing cancerous tumors.  This should never be used alone as a cancer therapy but as an adjunct in conjunction with a full-fledged natural or traditional medical protocol (10).

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C and Heart Disease:

Vitamin C helps to protect the arterial walls throughout the body.  The blood vessels that are most important and under the most stress are the coronary arteries that feed the heart muscle.  Vitamin C helps reduce infections and other forms of oxidative stress that affect these blood vessels (11).  It also prevents the oxidation of cholesterol in the bloodstream (12).

Vitamin C also improves lung function and overall oxygenation within the body.  Asthmatics tend to have a higher need for vitamin C and doses of 2000 mg per day lessen the body's production of histamine and lung associated inflammation (13, 14).

Vitamin C also improves blood sugar stability which is particularly important for individuals with heart disease and diabetes (15).  When blood sugar is elevated and not properly monitored in the body the sugar molecules bind to proteins in the body and form advanced glycolytic end products (AGE's).  These AGE's create rampant amounts of tissue damaging oxidative stress in the body.  Dosages of 1,000-3,000 mg per day drives down AGE formation and improves circulation and tissue oxygenation.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Best Delivery System for Vitamin C:

Much of our biological chemistry is based around water and fat solubility.  Just as water and oil do not mix there are challenges involved with bringing a water soluble nutrient into a fat soluble matrix such as the cell membranes.  This incompatibility leads to lower rates of nutrient uptake and utilization within the cell.

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin and it doesn't interact particularly efficiently with the cell membrane wall this is made up of fatty acids.  Estimates are that oral vitamin C intake has a 20% absorption rate into the bloodstream with the other 80% accumulating in the colon.  Oral vitamin C intake is also associated with unpleasant digestive complaints such as cramping and diarrhea because it draws water into the colon.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

What are Liposomes:

Liposomes are tiny "nano-size" fat soluble vehicles for carrying nutrients to the body's cells.   Dr Alec Banham, a hematologist at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, UK discovered the liposomal technology.  "Lipo" is Greek for fat while "soma" means body.  These are a double layer of fatty materials which is similar to the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membranes in the body.

Liposomal vitamin C is packaged like a bodily cell so it passes through the digestive barrier and delivers the nutrient directly to the bloodstream.  This has a much higher absorption rate with over 90% of the cells being bathed in vitamin C.  This is even vastly superior to IV vitamin C which is an expensive but effective procedure that is done quite often in hospitals and alternative health clinics.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

The Correct Liposomes:

Liposomal size plays an important role in its ability to hold the greatest volume of vitamin C.  The correct size should be between 100 to 400 nanometers in size.  They should be quality tested at a FDA regulated facility to ensure safety and quality.

The best carrier for liposomal vitamin C is phosphatidyl choline (PC) which helps to hold the liposomes together.  Ideal ranges should be between 250-500 mg of PC per dose in a liposomal vitamin C formula.  This PC should be derived from a non-GMO soy or sunflower lecithin form.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Case Study Shows Powerful Effects:

New Zealand dairy farmer Alan Smith had a miraculous recovery from a coma induced by leukemia and severe double lung pneumonia.  Doctors were ready to pull the plug on him when the family begged them to try high dose IV vitamin C.  Alan began showing positive results after the doctors administered 50-100 grams of IV vitamin C.

Unfortunately, the doctors at the hospital who were relatively uneducated on vitamin C were concerned about any possible complications with the high dose IV vitamin C.  They dropped the dosage to 2g of vitamin C and Alan began to struggle for survival again.  His family began giving him 6 grams of oral liposomal vitamin C and within weeks he was significantly better and was discharged from the hospital.

IV Vitamin C versus Liposomal:

Some experts in the field of vitamin C such as Dr Thomas Levy, are saying that 6 grams of liposomal vitamin C is equivalent to 50 grams of intravenous vitamin C (16).  Intravenous vitamin C elevates blood levels of vitamin C significantly higher, however, without the liposomal membrane this water soluble vitamin C is unable to efficiently penetrate the cell membrane.

Oral vitamin C acts as an antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress in the body.  Intravenous vitamin C is a prooxidant drug that helps produce hydrogen peroxide which targets cancer cells while leaving normal cells unharmed.  So it does have great benefits in advanced cancer patients.

The cell membrane blocks much of the vitamin C that is in the bloodstream from getting into the cell.  The liposomal membrane is able to fuse with the same material and configuration that resides on cell walls.  This results in a lower minimal necessary dosage and saves a tremendous amount of money and stress to the consumer.

Intravenous vitamin C treatments cost between $125 – $160 a session.  Typical sessions last around two hours.  A daily dosage of 6g of Liposomal vitamin C costs less than $5 per day and takes no time at all.  It does not require a doctor or needles and is very easy and user friendly as we are all familiar with swallowing a pill.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal Protocols:

For an individual with no major symptoms or diagnosis that wants good general health

1-2 grams is optimal               Take 1,000 mg   1-2 x daily

Extreme Athlete or Individual with Major Health Challenges:

4-6 grams is optimal              Take 2,000 mg  2-3x daily

Extreme Disease – Late Stage Infection, Cancer, Heart Disease, etc.

8-12 grams is optimal             Take 4,000 mg  2-3 x daily

With liposomal vitamin C, I like to be aggressive so I would take the upper dosage and if you notice any complications (such as high or low blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, cramping, diarrhea, etc.) try cutting down to the lower dosage and observe for any changes.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C


One of the contraindications for vitamin C usage is a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.  This is an inherited condition where the individual doesn't have the G6PD enzyme.  G6PD helps the body to function normally and very high dose vitamin C infusions or very high dose liposomal vitamin D has a rare possibility of causing hemolytic anemia.

Other contraindications would include allergens to the liposomal compounds such as sunflower lecithin as discussed here.  Individuals who are pregnant, young children and taking blood thinning medications should use smaller dosages.  It is always advisable to discuss vitamin C therapy with your doctor before beginning although most doctors have very little experience with this.

Those with iron overload should understand that vitamin C increases the absorption of iron into the body, especially in the heart where it can cause problems.  Ferritin levels should ideally be less than 80 and transferrin saturation should be less than 40%.  If you are above those levels, donating blood would be a great idea.  Also, wait 2-3 hours after taking the liposomal vitamin C before eating red meat or anything else that is high in iron if iron levels are high.

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Proper Protocol:

A PET scan usually is a guidepost. If the PET is positive, the tumor usually responds to the vitamin C. If the PET is negative but there is an active tumor present, vitamin C is less effective in most cases. Vitamin C therapy works best in the early stages of cancer when used in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation. It is not intended as a stand-alone treatment or as a last effort treatment for patients in the late stages of cancer

However, when considering the multitude of benefits associated with oral liposomal vitamin C supplementation and the costs associated with getting a PET scan one may choose to just opt with the vitamin C supplementation.  At the very worst, it may not have much influence on the particular tumor but will enhance all other bodily systems.  The net effect will be well worth the time and financial investment in taking the liposomal vitamin C.

After reviewing many different brands, I recommend the PuraThrive Liposomal Vitamin C here

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Sources For This Article Include:

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2. Banerjee D, Kaul D. Combined inhalational and oral supplementation of ascorbic acid may prevent influenza pandemic emergency: a hypothesis. Nutrition. 2010 Jan;26(1):128-32. PMID: 20005468
3. Conway FJ, Talwar D, McMillan DC. The relationship between acute changes in the systemic inflammatory response and plasma ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol and lipid peroxidation after elective hip arthroplasty. Clin Nutr. 2014 Jul 10. PMID: 25048713
4. Kim B, Choi KM, Yim HS, Lee MG. Ascorbic acid enhances adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 murine preadipocyte through differential expression of collagens. Lipids Health Dis. 2013 Dec 11;12:182. PMID: 24325571
5. Ahmad M, Ansari MN, Alam A, Khan TH. Oral dose of citrus peel extracts promotes wound repair in diabetic rats. Pak J Biol Sci. 2013 Oct 15;16(20):1086-94. PMID: 24506007
6. Lam PL, Kok SH, Bian ZX, Lam KH, Gambari R, Lee KK, Chui CH. Microencapsulation-protected l-ascorbic acid for the application of human epithelial HaCaT cell proliferation. J Microencapsul. 2014;31(8):754-8. PMID: 24963963
7. Sangani R, Naime M, Zakhary I, Ahmad S, Chutkan N, Zhu A, Ha Y, Hamrick M, Isales C, Elsalanty M, Smith S, Liou GI, Fulzele S. Regulation of vitamin C transporter in the type 1 diabetic mouse bone and bone marrow. Exp Mol Pathol. 2013 Dec;95(3):298-306. PMID: 23999113
8. Allampallam K, Chakraborty J, Robinson J. Effect of ascorbic acid and growth factors on collagen metabolism of flexor retinaculum cells from individuals with and without carpal tunnel syndrome. J Occup Environ Med. 2000 Mar;42(3):251-9. PMID: 10738704
9. Sorice A, Guerriero E, Capone F, Colonna G, Castello G, Costantini S. Ascorbic acid: its role in immune system and chronic inflammation diseases. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2014 May;14(5):444-52. PMID: 24766384
10. Yiang GT, Chou PL, Hung YT, Chen JN, Chang WJ, Yu YL, Wei CW. Vitamin C enhances anticancer activity in methotrexate‑treated Hep3B hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Oncol Rep. 2014 Sep;32(3):1057-63. PMID: 24969544
11. Boyacioglu M, Sekkin S, Kum C, Korkmaz D, Kiral F, Yalinkilinc HS, Ak MO, Akar F. The protective effects of vitamin C on the DNA damage, antioxidant defenses and aorta histopathology in chronic hyperhomocysteinemia induced rats. Exp Toxicol Pathol. 2014 Dec;66(9-10):407-13. PMID: 25043728
12. McRae MP. Vitamin C supplementation lowers serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglycerides: a meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. 2008;7(2):48-58.
13. Romieu I, Sienra-Monge JJ, Ramírez-Aguilar M, Téllez-Rojo MM, Moreno-Macías H, Reyes-Ruiz NI, del Río-Navarro BE, Ruiz-Navarro MX, Hatch G, Slade R, Hernández-Avila M. Antioxidant supplementation and lung functions among children with asthma exposed to high levels of air pollutants. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2002 Sep 1;166(5):703-9. PMID: 12204869
14. UMMC – Asthma Link Here
15. Micronutrient Information Center Link Here
16. PeakEnergy Link Here

Liposomal Vitamin C, The Remarkable Health Benefits of Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C And Fat Burning



Elliptical Fat Burn

Elliptical Fat Burn

  • Elliptical Trainer Workouts and Other Exercises
    • Elliptical trainer workouts and other exercises
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    • Do Ellipticals Help Lose Belly Fat? Center

Elliptical trainer workouts and other exercises

One can lose belly fat by adhering to a strict diet plan and exercise regimen and by making a few lifestyle modifications. Elliptical trainers can help burn calories, reduce belly fat and tone the body.

One can lose belly fat by adhering to a strict diet plan and exercise regimen and by making a few lifestyle modifications. Elliptical trainers can help burn calories, reduce belly fat and tone the body.

One can lose belly fat by adhering to a strict diet plan and exercise regimen and by making a few lifestyle modifications. An elliptical trainer, or cross-trainer, is a stationary exercise machineused to simulate climbing stairs, walking or running without causing excessive pressure to the joints, hence decreasing the risk of impact injuries. Elliptical trainers can help burn calories, reduce belly fat and tone the body. When used properly, an elliptical trainer works the entire body and can engage the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, chest, back, triceps and biceps.

Using an elliptical trainer has a lower impact compared to other forms of cardio exercises, such as running and jogging. However, it is an effective low impact cardio workout. Thirty minutes on an elliptical trainer can burn about 300 calories. Running burns more calories, but there is also the risk of wear and tear on the joints. Hence, elliptical trainers are ideal for older individuals who are not used to running, have arthritis and injuries or want to do low impact exercises. It is safe to do 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer five to six days a week. However, one may start with 10- to 15-minute long sessions a day. Though the elliptical trainer is an effective cardio workout, a combination of other forms of exercise, diet and lifestyle modifications are required to effectively get rid of belly fat.

Other exercises that can help burn belly fat

  1. High-intensity interval training (HIIT):This is probably one of the fastest and most efficient ways to lose belly fat and reduce the overall body fat percentage. HIIT combines periods of high-intensity short exercise sessions followed by brief 30- to 60-second recovery periods. This exercise usually doesn't exceed 30 minutes. Based on the individual's fitness level, a typical HIIT session can vary between 15 and 30 minutes. It is a difficult type of workout, so it requires a high level of motivation to maintain a consistent program.
  2. Strength training: Lifting weights boosts metabolism and ensures the prolonged maintenance of an efficient fat-burning rate, which means fat continues to burn even after the workout. Weight exercises burn fat and build muscles, reducing the percentage of body fat and toning up the body. Strength training should ideally be combined with HIIT and cardio exercises, such as running, swimming, elliptical training and cycling.
  3. Running or brisk walking: Because there is no way to specifically target abdominal fat, exercises such as running can help burn calories and reduce the overall percentage of body fat, thereby reducing belly fat and fat around other parts of the body.
  4. Bicycling: Bicycling is an effective low impact cardio exercise. One can cycle outdoors or do a workout on a stationary bike. With high speed and intensity on a bicycle, one can burn 500 calories during a 30-minute workout.
  5. Russian twists:For this exercise, one needs to sit down on the floor, keep the legs straight or bend the knees and lean back slightly forming a V shape. This posture should be held while twisting the upper body from side to side without moving the legs. The hands can be joined together in front of the chest. Russian twists can also be increased in intensity by holding a dumbbell in front of the chest and gradually increasing the weight of the dumbbell. This increases resistance which strengthens muscles and burns more calories. Performing about five sets with 30 repetitions can be helpful.
  6. Bicycle crunches: Bicycle crunches help burn belly fat and strengthen abdominal muscles. For this exercise, one has to lie on their back with their hands behind their head. Then, raise the knees to the chest while lifting the head and shoulders off the ground. While pedaling with the legs, alternate touching the right elbow to the left knee and then the left elbow to the right knee. Performing one to three sets with 12 to 16 repetitions each is recommended.
  7. Reverse crunches: These exercises help burn lower belly fat. One has to lie down on their back on a yoga mat with the knees together, legs bent in a 90-degree angle with their feet firmly planted on the floor. The palms should be placed down on the floor for support. Tighten the abs to lift the hips and legs off the floor and simultaneously draw the knees inward toward the chest. Hold this position for a second at the top of the movement. Lift the legs in the air before doing the crunch, keeping the chin off the chest.

Medically Reviewed on 4/22/2021


Medscape Medical Reference

John Hopkins Medicine

Elliptical Fat Burn



2012 Harley Davidson Flhr Road King

2012 Harley Davidson Flhr Road King

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2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King
2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King
2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King
2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King
2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King

– 2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Review

Timeless boulevard cruiser style fully-equipped for comfortable long-distance touring

When the original Harley-Davidson® Road King® motorcycle was introduced in 1994, it didn't take long for it to obtain iconic status.

Its heritage goes all the way back to the original 1965 Electra Glide® model. It may look like a timeless boulevard cruiser, but it is also a fully equipped, long-distance tourer.

The Road King® model features a detachable windshield, an air-adjustable touring rear suspension, and a comfortable seating position – just what rider and passenger demand for long-distance comfort. Spacious, injectionmolded saddlebags are standard, making it easy to pack for whatever lies ahead. The new, standard 1690 cc Twin Cam 103™ engine and 6-Speed Cruise Drive® transmission provide power and smoothness, and features an integrated oil cooler. The Security Package Option bundles an anti-lock braking system and Harley-Davidson® Smart Security system for greater value, making it easier to upgrade your ride straight from the factory.


Part of the unmistakable style of the Harley-Davidson® Road King® motorcycle is plenty of room for showing off your paint. This classically styled, bold six-gallon fuel tank doesn't just give you a bigger canvas for premium or custom paint; it holds six gallons of go so you can eat up a lot more road between pit stops. A dual-color paint scheme and unique Harley-Davidson waterslide graphics give this bike a truly one-of-a-kind look.


Big and commanding, this headlamp hearkens back to the Big Twins of the 60s. You get nothing less than the latest in materials and technology. Clear-lens reflector optics provide a longer distance high beam and wider low beam. It's a bright, striking daytime lamp that blasts a little further into the night. There's just no beating the classic lines of that sweeping headlight nacelle.


Tank-mounted fuel gauges boast traditional styling while offering you a clean, unobstructed view of the electric speedometer and odometer. A little chrome never hurts either. You'll only find these unique gauges on the Road King® and Road King® Classic models.


If you crave long-haul agility on rides of all distances, then you're going to love this. Starting on the 2009 Touring models, we beefed things up a bit, adding a big, mighty wheel with a low aspect ratio. That means the bike maintains its legendary tight turning radius, balanced feel and superior low-speed maneuverability.


We keep the back end clean and classy with a low mounted license plate that features little visible hardware. As an extra touch, we throw some LED lighting around the tag for crisp visibility and style—just enough to give your tail end a glow when you're riding through the night. This completes the classic, uncluttered look of the Road King® model.


Up to two times thicker than the competition, custom quality paint comes standard on all Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. Clearcoat layering up to five mils deep. Bigger metal flakes. Unique effects in the sunglo and pearl colors. Skimping simply is not in our vocabulary.


All Harley-Davidson® fuel tanks are finished by hand—that's what makes them stand out from the competition. Their seamless design and unmatched style are unique among all motorcycles on the road. The tanks are one of the first and last things people notice when they lay their eyes on a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle—so we make it worth their time.


These injection-molded hard bags have room for 2.26 cu. ft. volume of long-haul luxuries and a perfect surface for showing off some premium paint. Even better, these saddlebags open from the top, so your gear won't end up spilled all over the highway. They keep your fancy unmentionables dry, and the chrome latches won't corrode in bad weather. And when you're off the road, one common key starts the bike and gives you access to your saddlebags, keeping your pockets as uncluttered as your bike's classic design.


You want a ride that rumbles—not begs for mercy—when you lean on it a little. The Six-Speed Cruise Drive® transmission provides smooth, quiet shifting and reduces engine speed on the highway, so you get a better match between engine turnover and road speed. And the Isolated Drive System makes acceleration flow in a smooth, steady stream from your wrist right down to the pavement. It's a rare ride when a bike responds like this, and a low growl goes a long way when you're opening up the road ahead.


After three decades of keeping the vibrations of the Big Twin from getting to the rider, Harley-Davidson engineers decided to take something that is already great and make it even better, perfecting the delicate balance of shake, rattle and ride—comfortably. In 2009, we added a fourth isolation point to our three-point rubber engine isolation system. Just get that Big Twin idling and feel the difference.


New for 2012: live your ride to the power of 103. The air cooled Twin Cam 103™ Harley Davidson® engine delivers more stump pulling torque, while its Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection jetting gives crisp, lively throttle reaction. It's a performance punch that you'll appreciate when passing, climbing hills, or rolling with luggage packed or a passenger in back—all under that signature Motor Company rumble. And it comes at lower cruising rpm, so you ride more smoothly, with less engine vibration and better highway fuel economy.


The knowledge of what makes an engine truly move a rider runs deep at The Motor Company, and it was put to good use when we created the Twin Cam 103™; engine. We sweated bullets perfecting every cubic inch, pushing design and technology forward. And we did it all without compromising one bit of Harley-Davidson's unique styling. Evolved, yet carrying on the legacy of the Flathead, Knucklehead, Panhead, Shovelhead, Evolution®, Twin Cam 88®; and Twin Cam 96™ engines that came before. The performance and durability are a direct result of the untold miles logged on the V-Twin since 1909, and the proud heritage that comes from a century's worth of commitment to life on two wheels.


Fire up the Twin Cam 103™ engine and feel the low-end torque unleashed. Thanks to the lightweight piston design, delivery of the added power is more refined than ever. Then put your foot on the shifter and feel how the engine and Six-Speed Cruise Drive® transmission were designed to work together. Six speeds. A strong driveline and strong internal parts. Low routine maintenance. And a low cruising rpm couldn't feel better.


Feast your eyes on the Twin Cam 103™ engine and there's no mistaking its roots. This is authentic Harley-Davidson style through and through with an attention to detail you won't find from any other motorcycle company. Black powder-coated heads and cylinders are highlighted by machined cooling fin tips and chrome rocker covers. It's a jewel machined out of metal. Pure. Dripping with power. From the classic edge of the cooling fins to the clean lines of cases and covers—the Twin Cam 103™ engine makes an ironclad statement about holding on to what's right and staying true to what satisfies.


If you're ready to take touring to the next level, the optional cruise feature will help you settle in for the long haul. Get the comfort of the cruise without the cables cluttering up your handlebar. Our electronic throttle control technology makes it possible to have the best of both worlds


When it comes to the Road King® model with optional ABS, 'stopping power' has a double meaning. The components of our ABS are tastefully hidden within the wheel hub, so you'll still turn heads with a clean, streamlined design. More importantly, though, you get certainty in the saddle knowing your bike's going to behave when you need it. Offered as a part of the 'Security Package' (which includes the H-D® Smart Security System).


Harley-Davidson® touring means maximum comfort in all conditions and the capacity to add whatever enhances and personalizes your ride. The high output charging system provides an electrical capacity robust enough for your add-ons: heated vests, heated seats, heated handgrips, lights to showcase the engine, you name it. So if you're hell-bent on two-wheeling it, we make sure you've got the juice to do it your way.


The factory installed next-generation security system features a hands-free fob that automatically arms and disarms the vehicle electronic security functions as you approach and walk away from the bike. Stick the fob on your ignition key ring and let it do all the work. It's this attention to details and security that make Harley-Davidson® motorcycles unique. Offered as a part of the 'Security Package' (which includes Anti-Lock Brakes).


Harley-Davidson leverages the latest in technology without compromising style and function. That means we hide electronics. The whole wiring harness is skillfully routed behind the jewels of the bike—the tank, engine and all the other eye-popping features you want to see. It's just another way The Motor Company goes the extra mile to give its bikes that premium, top-of-the-line fit and finish.


Hand controls on a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle are incredibly intuitive. The turn signals are self-canceling and, based on the speed and angle of the motorcycle, they know how long to stay on. Engaging the controls quickly becomes second nature so you can focus less on turning off your signal and more on basking in the freedom of the ride.


Change everything. Lose nothing. Our complete redesign of the frame and swingarm has only been around since 2009, and it's already changing the game entirely. Stamped and welded parts and bent tubing were ditched for strong castings and forgings—just like the legendary Harley-Davidson frames of years past. The result is a frame that rides rigid and owns the corners. The acceleration is strong. The ride is tight and responsive. And the feel on the road is confidence inspiring.


At The Motor Company, we believe you don't make innovative, next-generation Touring motorcycles without shedding a little blood, sweat and tears. And when you get it right—like with the low speed maneuverability on our Touring models—all the other upgrades in the ride combine to create a big-boned bike that is light and nimble while carving up tight turns or if you find yourself riding in a parade or group ride.


Confidence. Control. High-performance dual disc Brembo® brakes offer consistent stopping power at all speeds. The 4-piston front and rear caliper with dual front rotor brake system is state of the art and top of the line. It's just another way The Motor Company puts a high level of detail into their bikes to give you peace of mind throughout your journey.


With air-adjustable suspension that comes standard, you can dial in your ride to accommodate heavier or lighter payloads, battle unexpected road conditions or simply set it to how you like to roll. The lighter the load, the softer you can go by decreasing the air pressure a bit, or increase the air pressure for a more firm ride. A convenient air valve is located between the saddlebag and rear fender for quick adjusting. It's all about rider and passenger comfort and setting your bike to fit your taste—the easy way.


Harley-Davidson® motorcycles are different than any other bike out on the road. There's a balance to them. The steering, the maneuverability—it's all in concert. And each Harley-Davidson® model is tuned differently to create a unique riding experience for each individual no matter which bike they swing their leg over. Let's face it, we didn't get to where we are by being like everyone else.


H-D® might as well stand for 'handling details.' Here's another key engineering innovation we added because we refuse to settle. We took an already royal ride and fine-tuned the front end, adding just enough trail to make it even more responsive. You might not fully appreciate the difference until you're tucked into a long twisty, sewn to the saddle and fully in tune with every curve of the road.


The 180mm back tire is engineered to do more than fill out the rear fender and put a bigger patch of rubber on the road. Dunlop® Multi-Tread™ technology uses harder compounds at the center and softer on the sides for a tire that still knows how to knuckle-down on corners. Perfect for making this bike agile on every curvy stretch of road. And the way it feels going through an abrupt off-camber turn will put a grin on your face that'll last to the next state line.


Your boots were made for riding, in any way you see fit. Our full-length footboards boast a tried and true design that's stood the test of time. Rubber vibration isolation for a comfortable ride. Traditional toe shifting is familiar to seasoned riders and intuitive for those just starting out. Heel shifting makes getting through the gears even easier and more convenient. It takes a few rides, but once you've gotten used to the smooth shifting rhythm, you'll never give it up. Plus, height adjustable passenger boards add another level of comfort for your riding partner.


Classic style and maximum comfort. That's the perfect balance of the wide set handlebars that come standard on the Road King® model. They're designed to keep you comfortably propped in a commanding position while making sure your neck muscles stay calm and relaxed mile after mile, state after state. Durable stainless steel insures the structural rigidity you expect from a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle with the deep, lustrous finish you desire.


Go from touring to cruising in a heartbeat. Leave the screen on for a clean envelope of air over the long haul. Or detach it in seconds for a completely new look and ride. The Lexan® windshield is as tough as they come—durable, scratch resistant, low maintenance. And whether you choose to cruise or keep the shield on, your Road King® motorcycle rules with a nostalgic style and versatility you can make your own.


Welcome to the crossroads of pure Harley-Davidson style and smart engineering. The 2-1-2 exhaust helps direct heat away from the rider and passenger, while providing ample performance, and signature Harley-Davidson rumble, and big style.


Our motorcycles are built to be ridden. A lot. So that means that rider comfort is top of mind. Always. With the Engine Idle Temperature Management Strategy (EITMS) feature, the motorcycle automatically cuts fuel and fire from the rear cylinder when idling, which helps reduce engine heat felt by rider and passenger. Best part, you can easily turn this feature on or off yourself whenever the bike is stopped.


The seat is home for Harley-Davidson® motorcycle riders. They want a seat that has unique style without sacrificing comfort. Because of that, Harley-Davidson invests a lot of time in researching, designing and testing seats so that every bike has just the right saddle.


A classic feature revamped for contemporary looks and performance—without sacrificing an ounce of nostalgic style. Sculpted with a deep bucket and narrow neck this ultimate Touring saddle relieves pressure on your thighs, while providing more back support and comfort for a wide variety of rider sizes. And the lower seat height—663 mm—puts your feet closer to the road to enhance your confidence. Additionally, the leather trim and premium stitching accentuate the advanced ergonomics while giving the seat that sharp detail you only find on a Harley-Davidson® motorcycle. It's science in service of comfort, and your way to beat fatigue over the long haul.

The innovative Harley-Davidson® Touring chassis is based on a single-spar, rigid backbone frame and a stout swingarm developed to withstand the demands of long-haul touring riders and today's powerful engines.

2012 Touring Models: The Legend Rolls On

For 2012, all eight Harley-Davidson® Touring models are powered by a Twin Cam 103TM engine with Automatic Compression Release and an integrated oil cooler. Producing 102 ft. lbs. of peak torque at 3500 rpm, the Twin Cam 103TM engine provides an outstanding performance around town and on the open road. All Touring models also feature the 6-Speed Cruise DriveTM transmission, 41.3 mm telescopic front forks, air-adjustable rear shocks and Isolated Drive System for smooth power delivery. The Harley-Davidson® Touring chassis has a single-spar, rigid-backbone frame and two-piece swingarm designed to deliver responsive manoeuvrability and long-haul durability. Chassis geometry and suspension are calibrated to deliver confident handling and comfort.

All Touring models except the Ultra Limited will offer a new "tubeless" Chrome Lace Aluminium Wheel option for ease of tire replacement and repair. Six new colours or colour combinations are among the 12 paint options offered within the 2012 Touring model line.

2012 Harley-Davidson® Touring Models

" Road King®
" Road King® Classic
" Electra Glide® Classic
" Ultra Classic® Electra Glide®
" Electra Glide® Ultra Limited
" Street Glide®
" Road Glide® Custom
" Road Glide® Ultra

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Model Highlights

NEW Rubber-mounted Twin Cam 103™ V-Twin engine with Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI) with heated O2 sensors and Electronic Throttle Control (ETC)
NEW Tubeless Chrome Aluminum Profile Laced wheel option
NEW Paint color options
– Security Package Option including factory-installed Harley-Davidson® Smart Security System with hands-free fob and Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
– Black powder-coated powertrain with chrome covers
– Chrome 2-1-2 dual exhaust with tapered mufflers
– Black, 28-spoke Cast Aluminum wheels with narrow whitewall tires
– Chrome, low profile fuel tank console with electronic speedometer
– Clean rear fender and low-mounted license plate module with LED illumination
– Deep FL front fender with trim
– Stainless steel, ergonomic handlebar
– One-piece, two-up Road King® seat, sculpted for added comfort and easier straddling
– Clear, large Lexan® quick-release detachable windshield
– Injection-molded hard saddlebags, 2.26 cu. ft. volume
– Large Hiawatha headlight and chrome nacelle
– Auxiliary passing lights

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Features and Benefits

– 6-Speed Cruise Drive® transmission with integrated Isolated Drive System (IDS)
– Dunlop® "Multi-Tread" rear tire construction extends tire life by 25 percent
– Brembo® 4-piston front and rear caliper with dual front rotor brake system
– Air-adjustable rear shocks
– Full-length rider footboards
– Height-adjustable passenger footboards
– Six-gallon fuel tank
– Optional Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)
– Optional electronic cruise control

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King – USA Specifications/Technical Details
US MSRP Price:
Vivid Black $17,499, Solids $17,909, Two-Tones $18,279 USD

Length 95.0 in. (2413 mm)
Overall Width 37.4 in. (950 mm)
Overall Height 55.1 in. (1400 mm)
Seat Height:
– Laden2 26.5 in. (673 mm)
– Unladen 28.0 in. (711 mm)
Ground Clearance 5.1 in. (130 mm)
Rake (steering head) 26°
Fork Angle 29.2°
Trail 6.69 in. (170 mm)
Wheelbase 63.5 in. (1613 mm)
Tires (Dunlop® Harley-Davidson® Series, bias narrow whitewall):
– Front – D408F NW 130/80B17 65H
– Rear – D407 NW 180/65B16 81H
Fuel Capacity 6.0 gal. (22.7 L) (warning light at approximately 1.0 gal.)
Oil Capacity (w/filter) 4.0 qts. (3.8 L)
Transmission Capacity 1.0 qt. (.95 L)
Primary Chain
Case Capacity 1.4 qts. (1.3 L)

– As Shipped 775 lbs. (351.5 kg)
– In Running Order 812 lbs. (368.3 kg)
– Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 1360 lbs. (616.9 kg)
– Gross Axle Weight Rating
– Front 500 lbs. (226.8 kg)
– Rear 927 lbs. (420.5 kg)

Luggage Capacity
– Volume 2.26 cu. ft. (0.0633 m3)

Engine Air-cooled Twin Cam 103™ with Integrated Oil-Cooler
Valves Pushrod-operated, overhead valves with hydraulic, self-adjusting lifters; two valves per cylinder
Bore x Stroke 3.875 in. x 4.38 in. (98.4 mm x 111.3 mm)
Displacement 103 cu. in. (1690 cc)
Compression Ratio 9.6:1
Fuel System3 Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)
Air Cleaner Fiberglass, washable
Lubrication System Pressurized, dry-sump with oil cooler

Primary Drive Chain, 34/46 ratio
Final Drive Belt, 32/68 ratio
Clutch Multi-plate, wet
Transmission 6-Speed Cruise Drive®
Gear Ratios (overall): U.S.
– 1st 9.593
– 2nd 6.65
– 3rd 4.938
– 4th 4
– 5th 3.407
– 6th 2.875

Frame Mild steel; tubular frame; two-piece stamped and welded backbone; cast and forged junctions; twin downtubes; bolt-on rear frame with forged fender supports; MIG welded
Swingarm Mild steel; two-piece drawn and welded section; forged junctions; MIG welded
Front Forks 41.3 mm telescopic
Rear Shocks Air-adjustable
Wheels4 (Tubeless Chrome Aluminum Profile Laced option):
Black 28-Spoke Cast Aluminum
– Front 17 in. x 3 in. (432 mm x 76 mm)
– Rear 16 in. x 5 in. (406 mm x 127 mm)

– Caliper Type 32 mm, 4-piston fixed front and rear
– Rotor Type (diameter x width): Patented, fixed rotors
– Front (dual) 11.81 in. x .2 in. (300 mm x 5.1 mm)
– Rear 11.81 in. x .28 in. (300 mm x 7.1 mm)
– Anti-lock Braking System: Available

Suspension Travel:
– Front Wheel 4.6 in. (117 mm)
– Rear Wheel 3 in. (76 mm)

Engineered for Sidecar Use: Available

Engine Torque5 (per J1349):
– North America 100 ft. lbs. @ 3250 RPM (135 Nm @ 3250 RPM)
Lean Angle (per J1168):
– Right 33°
– Left 31°

Fuel Economy6
(EPA urban/highway test) 42 mpg (5.6 L/100 km)

Battery (per Battery Council International Rating)
Sealed, maintenance-free, 12V, 28-amp/hour, 370 cca
Charging Three-phase, 50-amp system (585W @ 13V, 2000 rpm, 650W max power @ 13V)
Starting 1.2 kW electric with solenoid shift starter motor engagement
Lights (as per country regulation):
– Headlamp (quartz halogen) 55-watt low beam, 60-watt high beam
– Tail/Stop Lights 8W/28W (5W/21W)
– Turn Signal Lights 28W (21W) self-canceling
– Indicator Lamps (except where prohibited by law): High beam, running lights, front fender running lights, directional light bar, neutral, low oil pressure, engine diagnostics, turn signals, security system7 (optional), 6-speed, low fuel warning, cruise control (optional), ABS (optional) Two @ 35W each

Warranty8 24 months (unlimited mileage)
Service Interval9 First 1000 miles (1600 km), every 5000 miles (8000 km) thereafter
1 Vehicles depicted may differ from vehicles manufactured and delivered. Specifications and prices listed may differ from specifications and prices of vehicles manufactured and delivered. All product descriptions (including depictions, specifications, dimensions, measurements, ratings and competitive comparisons) are based on available information at the time of publication. Although such descriptions are believed correct, errors and changes can occur and complete accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Harley-Davidson may make changes at any time to prices and specifications, and may change or discontinue models, without notice and without incurring any obligation. Attention: Vehicles in the configurations shown and many of the accessories described in this catalog may not be available for sale or use in some locations. Please check with your dealer for complete product details and the latest information. All models feature 6-speed transmission (V-Rod® models and Sportster® models are 5-speed) and carbon fiber belt final drive; multi-plate clutch with diaphragm spring in oil bath; and 2-year unlimited mileage warranty.
2 Measurement reflects 180 lb. (81.7 kg) operator weight.
3 Recommended 91 octane or higher fuel (R+M)/2.
4 Standard and optional wheels may vary by country and region.
5 Values shown are nominal. Performance may vary by country and region.
6 The combined fuel economy numbers were derived using a combination of estimated city and highway values. Fuel economy estimates are derived from US EPA exhaust emission certification data on a sample motorcycle from the corresponding family under ideal laboratory conditions. Your actual fuel economy will vary depending on your personal riding habits, road and driving conditions, vehicle condition and maintenance, tire pressure, vehicle configuration (parts and accessories), and vehicle loading (cargo, rider and passenger weight). Break-in mileage may vary.
7 North America security system includes immobilizer; outside North America the security system includes immobilizer and siren.
8 See motorcycle owner's manual for complete details.
9 Inspections of certain systems and components are required at 2500 mile (4000 km) intervals. See Owner's Manual for full details.

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King – Canadian Specifications/Technical Details
Canada MSRP Price: Vivid Black $19,199, Color Option $19,649, Two-Tone Option $20,059, Wheel Option $510, Security Package (Security and ABS) $1,310, Cruise Control Option $320 CDN

Length: 2,465 mm
Seat Height, Laden: 673 mm
Seat Height, Unladen: 740 mm
Ground Clearance: 145 mm
Rake (steering head) (deg): 26
Trail: 170 mm
Wheelbase: 1,625 mm
Tires, Front Specification: NW 130/80B17 65H
Tires, Rear Specification: NW 180/65B16 81H
Fuel Capacity 3: 22.7 l
Oil Capacity (w/filter): 3.8 l
Weight, As Shipped: 355 kg
Weight, In Running Order: 368 kg
Luggage Capacity -Volume: 0.063 m3
Luggage Capacity -Weight: N/A

Engine 1: Air-cooled Twin Cam 103™ with Integrated Oil-Cooler
Bore: 98.4 mm
Stroke: 111.1 mm
Displacement: 1,690 cc
Compression Ratio: 9.6:1
Fuel System: Electronic Sequential Port Fuel Injection (ESPFI)

Primary Drive: Chain, 34/46 ratio
Gear Ratios (overall) 1st: 9.593
Gear Ratios (overall) 2nd: 6.65
Gear Ratios (overall) 3rd: 4.938
Gear Ratios (overall) 4th: 4
Gear Ratios (overall) 5th: 3.407
Gear Ratios (overall) 6th: 2.875

Exhaust: Chrome, 2-1-2 dual exhaust with tapered mufflers
Wheels, Optional Style Type: Tubeless Chrome Aluminum Profile Laced
Wheels, Front Type: Black, 28-spoke Cast Aluminum
Wheels, Rear Type: Black, 28-spoke Cast Aluminum
Brakes, Caliper Type: 32 mm, 4-piston fixed front and rear
Parking Brake: N/A

Engine Torque Testing Method: EEC/95/1
Engine Torque 2: 135 Nm
Engine Torque (rpm): 3,250
Lean Angle, Right (deg.): 33
Lean Angle, Left (deg.): 31
Fuel Economy: Combined City/Hwy: 5.6 l/100 km

Lights (as per country regulation), Indicator LampsHigh beam, running lights, front fender running lights, directional light bar, neutral, low oil pressure, engine diagnostics, turn signals, security system (optional), 6-speed, low fuel warning, cruise control (optional), ABS (optional)
Gauges: Tank-mounted electronic speedometer with odometer, time-of-day clock on odometer; dual trip meter; low fuel indicator light and mileage countdown feature; low oil pressure indicator light; engine diagnostics readout; LED indicator lights; 6-speed indicator light
1: Measurement reflects 180 lb. (81.7 kg) operator weight.
2: Recommended 91 octane or higher fuel (R+M)/2.
3: Values shown are nominal. Performance may vary by country and region.
4: Standard and optional fuel systems may vary by country.
5: Estimated from fuel economy tests on a sample motorcycle from the corresponding family conducted by Harley-Davidson under ideal laboratory conditions. Not all motorcycle models undergo fuel economy testing. Fuel economy and mileage may vary among motorcycle models within a family. Your mileage may vary depending on your personal riding habits, weather conditions, trip length, vehicle condition and vehicle configuration and other conditions. Break-in mileage may vary.
6: Standard and optional wheels may vary by country and region.
7: North America security system includes immobilizer; outside North America the security system includes immobilizer and siren.
8: See motorcycle owner's manual for complete details.

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King – Press Release 1


V-Rod® 10th Anniversary Edition and Dyna® Switchback Bagger Join the Model Line

MILWAUKEE (July 20, 2011) – Harley-Davidson offers more Big Twin performance for 2012 as its Twin Cam 103™ powertrain is standard equipment on Softail® and Touring motorcycle models and most Dyna® motorcycle models. Harley-Davidson will offer two new models for 2012. The V-Rod® 10th Anniversary Edition celebrates a decade of power-cruiser performance, while the new Dyna® Switchback is a convertible custom-touring motorcycle with detachable hard saddlebags and windshield. In addition, the Night Rod Special has significant updates for 2012 with refreshed bodywork and optimized rider ergonomics. Harley-Davidson Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO)TM rolls out the gleaming new CVO Road Glide® Custom, a limited-production, high-performance touring masterpiece.

Harley-Davidson believes every motorcycle it sells can be a custom of one. Harley-Davidson H-D1™ is a comprehensive offering of customization tools for the Harley-Davidson motorcycle owner. H-D1 tools include Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Accessories listings in print and on-line catalogs, Fit Shop and consultation services at Harley-Davidson dealerships, and factory customization and Bike Builder tools on H-D1 offers almost unlimited opportunities to optimize fit, function, style and performance and turn a Harley into a motorcycle that is truly personalized to its owner.

Harley- Davidson heads into 2012 with 32 models, each born of experience that spans generations and a passion for riding that will never diminish.

Highlights of the 2012 Harley-Davidson line include:

The Twin Cam 103™ engine powers all 2012 Dyna®, Softail® and Touring models with the exception of the Dyna Street Bob® and Dyna Super Glide® Custom. This engine produces up to 100 ft lbs. peak torque, an increase of approximately 6 percent over the Twin Cam 96 engine it replaces as standard power for many of these models. The Twin Cam 103 is equipped with automatic compression release. It features identifying badges on the derby cover, timer cover and air cleaner trim ring.

A Security Package that pairs Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Smart Security System with proximity-based, hands-free security fob is available for all 2012 V-Rod®, Dyna®, Softail®, Touring and CVO™ models. The Security Package is standard equipment on CVO™ models and on the Road Glide® Ultra, the Electra Glide® Ultra Limited, and the Road King® Classic. The Security Package is a factory-installed option for all other models.

The Night Rod® Special is updated with new tapered tail section, lighter-weight wheels, an inverted front fork and improved ergonomics. Harley-Davidson celebrates a decade of power cruising with the V-Rod® 10th Anniversary Edition motorcycle, finished in Brilliant Silver Pearl bodywork that evokes the anodized aluminum bodywork of the original V-Rod model that introduced the liquid-cooled Revolution V-Twin engine in 2002. All V-Rod models will carry V-Rod 10th Anniversary badges.

The new Dyna Switchback combines hard saddlebags and a windshield with the eager handling and Twin Cam 103 performance of the Dyna chassis. It's a custom-touring bike ready for a long weekend trip, until the detachable bags and windshield are removed. Then in seconds the Switchback becomes a custom street cruiser with a gleaming headlamp nacelle, five-spoke cast-aluminum wheels and a mini-ape handlebar. This convertible concept makes the versatile Switchback two motorcycles in one.

All Harley-Davidson Softail models get the performance boost of the Twin Cam 103 engine for 2012. The Fat Boy and Fat Boy Lo have a new reduced-reach handlebar for more-comfortable ergonomics. A lower, narrower seat shape places the Fat Boy rider in a new "in the bike" position. The Softail Deluxe and Heritage Softail Classic will be available with a new optional "tubeless" Chrome Aluminum Profile Laced wheel option for ease of tire replacement and repair.

The Twin Cam 103 powertrain gives all Harley-Davidson Touring models assertive power for passing. On Touring models, the Twin Cam 103 is equipped with an oil cooler. All Touring models except the Ultra Limited will offer a new "tubeless" Chrome Aluminum Profile Laced wheel option.

The Harley-Davidson Sportster® line appeals to a broad range of riders with six 2012 models ranging from the race-inspired XR1200X™ to the accessible SuperLow® to Dark Custom roadsters like the Iron 883™, Nightster® and Forty-Eight®. The Sportster® 1200 Custom can be personalized for fit, function and style with H-D1 factory customization, a process that allows customers to use the Bike Builder tool on to build the motorcycle from a selection of options that are installed as the bike is assembled by Harley-Davidson Motor Company or are installed by a dealer after the motorcycle is delivered. New 1200 Custom color options have been added to Bike Builder for 2012.

The new CVO Road Glide Custom is one of four limited-production 2012 models from Harley-Davidson Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO)TM, each turned out with bold paint, gleaming chrome, and the most-powerful V-Twin engines offered in production Harley-Davidson motorcycles. CVO Road Glide Custom is a hot-rod bagger with a frame-mounted fairing topped with a smoked Wind Splitter windshield, a high-output, amplified Harman/Kardon® Advanced Audio system, and a color-matched, low-profile fuel tank console.

2012 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King – Press Release 2

2012 Sportster® Models: Personalization and Power

The six 2012 Harley-Davidson® Sportster® models range from the affordable Dark CustomTM roadster-inspired Iron 883TM motorcycle to the track-inspired performance of the FLHR Road KingTM bike. Each Sportster® model offers the heartbeat of an authentic American V-Twin engine and pace-setting style and performance.

Back for its first full year of production is the Sportster® 1200 Custom bike, the motorcycle that introduced the Web-based H-D1TM Bike Builder factory customization process. Using Bike Builder, Customers can personalize their 1200 Custom motorcycle with the seat, handlebar, foot control, wheel, security, paint, and engine finish options of their choice, which are then installed right at the Factory. Even more Retailer-installed accessories can be added, and viewed, on the Bike Builder site. The Customer can then print out a description of their bike and bring it to a Harley-Davidson® Retailer where they can review the motorcycle with trained staff, select additional accessories to be installed by the Retailer to further customize the motorcycle, and then place an order. Customers can expect to be riding their new bike in as little as four weeks from the time an order is placed with an authorized Harley-Davidson® Retailer.

All 2012 Sportster® models will have Michelin® ScorcherTM tires with a tread pattern designed, tested and styled specifically for the Sportster® motorcycle to provide an ideal grip, an even wear and a longer life. Fifteen Sportster® paint options include seven new colour choices for 2012. Side covers will be finished in either Gloss Black or Denim Black to match the finish on other bodywork. The Forty-EightTM model will have a new tank graphic.

2012 Harley-Davidson® Sportster® Models

" SuperLowTM
" Iron 883TM
" Sportster® 1200 Custom
" NightsterTM
" Forty-EightTM
" FLHR Road KingTM

2012 Touring Models: The Legend Rolls On

For 2012, all eight Harley-Davidson® Touring models are powered by a Twin Cam 103TM engine with Automatic Compression Release and an integrated oil cooler. Producing 102 ft. lbs. of peak torque at 3500 rpm, the Twin Cam 103TM engine provides an outstanding performance around town and on the open road. All Touring models also feature the 6-Speed Cruise DriveTM transmission, 41.3 mm telescopic front forks, air-adjustable rear shocks and Isolated Drive System for smooth power delivery. The Harley-Davidson® Touring chassis has a single-spar, rigid-backbone frame and two-piece swingarm designed to deliver responsive manoeuvrability and long-haul durability. Chassis geometry and suspension are calibrated to deliver confident handling and comfort.

All Touring models except the Ultra Limited will offer a new "tubeless" Chrome Lace Aluminium Wheel option for ease of tire replacement and repair. Six new colours or colour combinations are among the 12 paint options offered within the 2012 Touring model line.

2012 Harley-Davidson® Touring Models

" Road King®
" Road King® Classic
" Electra Glide® Classic
" Ultra Classic® Electra Glide®
" Electra Glide® Ultra Limited
" Street Glide®
" Road Glide® Custom
" Road Glide® Ultra

2012 Trike Models: Three Wheelin'

The 2012 Tri GlideTM Ultra Classic® motorcycle brings original-equipment design, quality and service to the three-wheel motorcycle segment, based on chassis structure and geometry engineered specifically to handle the loads generated by the steering forces and weight of a three-wheel vehicle. With a deluxe Tour-Pak® carrier and integrated trunk, a four-speaker/80-watt Harman/Kardon® Advanced Audio System, electronic cruise control and electric reverse drive, the Tri GlideTM Ultra Classic® motorcycle inspires confidence, passion and independence in any riding situation. The Tri GlideTM Ultra Classic® motorcycle will be available in three colour combinations: Vivid Black, Big Blue Pearl/Vivid Black or Ember Red Sunglo/Merlot Sunglo.

2012 Harley Davidson Flhr Road King



2015 Tracker

2015 Tracker

Do you want to easily find out how many days of PTO (Paid Time Off) you have available? Wondering if there is a simple spreadsheet that can be used as vacation tracker and PTO vacation accrual calculator?

You have come to the right place – Employee PTO Tracker Excel Template.

You can download this free excel pto tracker template to track and calculate Employee's PTO (or leave or vacation) accrual balances.

Employee PTO (Paid Time Off) Calculator v2 – PTO Balance
Employee PTO (Paid Time Off) Calculator – PTO Balance

This free PTO Tracker excel template is designed to calculate PTO balances where PTO is accrued based on tenure. If you are looking for a PTO calculator for hourly employees where PTO is accrued based on hours worked by employee, please visit PTO Calculator (Hourly Employees).

If you would like to manage PTO for multiple employees, please visit Small Business PTO Manager Excel template.

Free Download

Video Demo

How to track PTO accrual and balances in Excel? – Overview

Enter inputs in the Employee PTO sheet

Monthly Accrual PTO Calculator - Inputs to Template
Monthly Accrual PTO Calculator – Inputs to Template

Review the PTO policy and first accrual window details

Monthly Accrual PTO Calculator - Review PTO Policy
Monthly Accrual PTO Calculator – Review PTO Policy

Fix if there are any data validation errors.

When employee takes PTO, enter PTO info

Enter Vacation rates in PTO Calculator
Enter Vacation rates in PTO Calculator

View PTO balance and balance trends

View PTO Balance calculated by Template
View PTO Balance calculated by Template

Key Benefits of PTO Accrual Calculator in Excel

  • Several settings available to cover most common business PTO policy scenarios
  • Very flexible and easy to customize for your specific business needs
  • Automatically calculates PTO balances for today and any future date
  • Vacation dates can be entered as date ranges
  • File is designed for one employee only. Make a copy of the workbook to use for the second employee.

How to track PTO accrual and balances in Excel? – In Depth

Components of PTO Policy

Though the template is very simple to use, there are quite a few terms to understand and several calculations that happen behind the scenes. Let's start from the beginning. Let's start with the simple terms first.

User Inputs on PTO Policy
User Inputs on PTO Policy

This does not need any explanation. Enter name of employee for whom we will be tracking and calculating PTO balance.

A lot of the calculations for employee's PTO balance depends on the Hire date of employee. Just enter Hire date. Even if you have been tracking PTO using some other tool and now want to use this template, enter the actual hire date of the employee. Tenure (how long an employee has been with the organization) is calculated from the hire date and companies may have tenure based increase in PTO.

We can choose to track employee PTO in units of days or hours. If we choose Hours, we have to enter PTO taken by employee in Hours. If we choose Days, we can just enter PTO dates (which we will discuss later) and ignore hours taken off.

Annual Accrual Rate is the PTO that an employee accrues in one year. For example, a company may offer 120 hours of PTO per year.

This is to inform how we accrue the annual PTO rate. Continuing with the above example of 120 hours per year, how will the employee receive these 120 hours. We have 6 options here: Weekly, Every 2 Weeks, Twice a Month, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual.

PTO Accrual Period Options - Weekly, Every 2 Weeks, Monthly, Twice a Month, Quarterly and Annual
PTO Accrual Period Options – Weekly, Every 2 Weeks, Monthly, Twice a Month, Quarterly and Annual

Let's see how a Monthly scenario would work.

PTO Accrual Frequency and Annual PTO Accrual Rate
PTO Accrual Frequency and Annual PTO Accrual Rate

120 hours will be given to the employee at 10 hours each month for 12 months.

In order to discuss the next two terms, we need to take an example. Let me use a Weekly accrual example to demonstrate.

Weekly PTO Accrual Example Inputs for Template
Weekly PTO Accrual Example Inputs for Template

In this example, the employee's hire date is Jan 1st, 2020. Employee's Annual PTO accrual rate is 120 hours and that is accrued weekly.  When we think of accrual periods, we have to think of a window with a start date and an end date.
Let's enter First Accrual Period Begin Date as Jan 1st, 2020 (this is user input). So, the first accrual period window will be 1st Jan to 7th Jan.
When does the employee receive the accrued PTO? Is it on 1st or 7th? This can be controlled easily. In the above example, we have chosen 'End of accrual period'. So, the employee receives the PTO accrued on 7th Jan.

We don't have to remember all these calculations because that's why we use such a PTO calculator tool. 🙂  Let's review the policy as calculated by the template.

Weekly PTO Accrual Example - Review Policy
Weekly PTO Accrual Example – Review Policy

The Policy shows that the employee will accrue 2.308 hours per week. The first accrual window is 1st Jan to 7th Jan. First accrual day where PTO will be awarded to the employee is 7th Jan. The amount on that day will be 2.308 hours. This amount is the same as the weekly rate, because the employee starts on 1st Jan and the weekly window also begins on 7th.
We all know that employees can start in a new job on any day. So, let's take the same example but for an employee who started on 3rd Jan.

Weekly PTO Accrual Example where Employee Starts in the middle of accrual window
Weekly PTO Accrual Example where Employee Starts in the middle of accrual window

We can see that the first valid accrual window is still 1st Jan to 7th Jan, and the accrual happens in 7th Jan (end of window).  However, the amount if only 1.648 hours because the employee only accrues for 5 days (3rd Jan to 7th Jan). Thus the template can easily prorate the PTO awarded when an employee joins in the middle of an accrual window.

The approach is the same for Weekly, Every 2 Weeks, Quarterly and Annual accrual frequencies. Twice a Month and Monthly are slightly different.


For Twice a Month, we don't need to provide First Accrual Period Begin Date. We will enter 2 days.

Twice a Month PTO Accrual – Enter 2 days. 2nd day can be 'Last Day'
Twice a Month PTO Accrual – Enter 2 days. 2nd day can be 'Last Day'

The template will then take those two days as the accrual days every month. You can choose 'Last day' for the second day and the template can automatically assign the last day of each month, whether it is 28th (Feb) or 29th (Feb – Leap year) or 30th or 31st.


For Monthly, we don't need to provide First Accrual Period Begin Date. Instead we will choose a day of Month. The options are 1 to 28 and Last day.

Monthly PTO Accrual – Input day of month – First day example
Monthly PTO Accrual – Input day of month – First day example

The 'Last day' will be accounted for, correctly whether it is 28th (Feb) or 29th (Feb – Leap year) or 30th or 31st.

Monthly PTO Accrual – Input Day of Month – Last Day Example
Monthly PTO Accrual – Input Day of Month – Last Day Example

Now, let's look at some more options we have with setting PTO/Vacation policy.

As an employee continues to accrue PTO every period, the balance keeps growing, assuming there are no vacations taken. Typically, companies do not want employees to accrue a very large balance. Two reasons:

  1. Employees are encouraged to take regular time off to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  2. Companies may consider remaining PTO balance as cash that needs to be paid to employee if employee leaves the company. So, very high balance could mean more cash out the door for the company. So usually, there is a rollover policy. This determines how many hours of PTO can the employee carry over from one year to the next year.

The template allows three possibilities.

PTO Rollover Policy Settings - Zero Rollover, Rollover Limit, Unlimited Rollover
PTO Rollover Policy Settings – Zero Rollover, Rollover Limit, Unlimited Rollover
  1. Zero Rollover: Employee loses all the PTO balance at the end of the year and starts from scratch in the next year.
  2. Rollover Limit: We can set a limit on how many hours are carried over.
  3. Unlimited Rollover: Here the employee does not lose any PTO, and will carry over everything to next year. This is an unusual policy for a company.

To see this in action, I have chosen a 40 hour roll over limit.

PTO Rollover Limit - Example - Monthly Accrual Rate
PTO Rollover Limit – Example – Monthly Accrual Rate

At the end of the year, the employee's PTO balance comes from 120 to 50. It is 50 because 40 is carried over and the employee accrues 10 hours for January of next year.
Now with this rollover policy, there is another variation. Companies may apply rollover at calendar year change or on work anniversary dates. You can easily change that setting.

PTO Rollover timing can be Calendar year or Work Anniversary
PTO Rollover timing can be Calendar year or Work Anniversary

The next section covers the remaining options in PTO policy.

More PTO policy settings and options - Probationary period, Maximum allowed PTO and tenure based PTO
More PTO policy settings and options – Probationary period, Maximum allowed PTO and tenure based PTO

In some roles, employees may not be awarded any PTO for the first X number of days. For example, employee does not earn any PTO during the first 30 days of employment. You can set that easily in this template.

The rollover limit only applies to the end of the year balance. Some companies can set a limit on maximum balance at any time. We can set the amount in the Maximum Allowed PTO Balance.

Companies increase the annual accrual rate for employees who stay with the company for more years. We can handle such scenarios as well. We would choose YES to this first and then fill out the table below.

Employee Vacation Accrual Template - Annual Rate increased by Tenure
Employee Vacation Accrual Template – Annual Rate increased by Tenure

We can set the Annual PTO Accrual rate and Maximum PTO balance. In the example above, the employee will receive at the rate of 56 hours in the first year, then rate of 106 hours in the second and third year, 144 hours in years 4 to 10.

Important: Please make sure that the first entry here is for 0 completed years.

You can enter more rows as needed.  Read how to enter and delete data in Excel tables

Now we have gone through the various input options in the PTO calculator. These settings have to be entered only once for an employee. After these are finalized, we will enter PTO dates whenever an employee is taking vacation.

Entering PTO or Vacation Dates

Enter Vacation dates in PTO Calculator – Enter range of dates and hours for each day
Enter Vacation dates in PTO Calculator – Enter range of dates and hours for each day

If we track PTO in hours, we have to enter the PTO hours column. We can ignore it if our PTO unit is days. We can enter date ranges to enter multi-day vacation. However, if it is a single day vacation, please enter both start and date as the same date.
In the above example, 3 hours of PTO for each of the 3 days (June 2, June 3 and June 4) – in total 9 hours – will be subtracted from the PTO balance. 2 hours will be subtracted on 5th July.

You can enter more vacations by just typing new row of data in the table.

Viewing PTO Balance

As we enter PTO dates, the balances get updated.

Current PTO Balance shown by default and PTO Balance shown from Hire Date
Current PTO Balance shown by default and PTO Balance shown from Hire Date

By default, today's PTO balance is shown at the top. You can modify the date and can view PTO balance any date. To put it back to today, just type =TODAY().

Similarly, the balance trend chart shows data by default from Hire Date of Employee. You can edit and modify that as well.
Enter the number of days to control the duration displayed in the chart

Entering PTO Adjustment

If you would like to add or remove PTO, outside the PTO policy settings you have entered, then you can use the Adjustment table. This allows you to add to PTO balance (enter positive value) or reduce from PTO balance (enter negative value).

Make positive and negative adjustments to PTO Balance easily
Make positive and negative adjustments to PTO Balance easily

An example would be an employee who has been with the company for a few years. You were using some system to track the PTO balance and now you want to migrate to this template. You don't have to enter all the vacation dates from the past. You can just enter the adjustment amount to bring the current balance to the correct amount. If the employee has taken 60 hours of PTO already, then enter -60 as adjustment.

Prorating when accrual rate changes

As we had discussed earlier, the accrual rate can vary by employee tenure. If the work anniversary happens to be in the middle of an accrual window, then we have to prorate the PTO accrued.

Let's take an example where an employee's hire date is Jan 16th 2019. Accrues 10 hrs a month in 1 year and then 20 hrs a month in 2nd year. So, for Jan 1, 2020, he will earn 15.16 hrs. 15 days at the rate of 10 hrs per month and 16 days at the rate of 20 hrs a month.

The template does this prorating calculation by default.

Data Validations

When you enter the First Accrual Period Begin Date, if it is earlier than or after the first valid accrual window, an error will appear. Let's look at an example.

Data Validations built in the template – Example Inputs
Data Validations built in the template – Example Inputs

Though the  employee starts on Jan 1st, 2020, we have entered Dec 1, 2019 as First Accrual Period Begin date.

First Accrual Period Begin Date is too late
First Accrual Period Begin Date is too late

Employee is eligible to accrue from Jan 1, 2016, but the first accrual window is Dec 1, 2019 to Dec 7, 2019. If the employee will not accrue any balance from Jan 1st to Dec 1st, it is incorrect. This is due to the data entry error. Once we update the First Accrual Period Begin Date correctly, error will go away.

Recommended Premium Template

Small Business PTO Manager for Salaried employees – Manage multiple employees' data in one file.

  • Small Business – Paid Time Off (PTO) Manager – Excel Template

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